The extraordinary profits of the mining companies must contribute to the national effort to reduce poverty. 矿业公司获取的超常利润必须为全民脱贫做出贡献。
But the BHP estimate signals the extraordinary boost in profits that the big producers can expect if rising steel demand keeps the spot price above$ 100 per tonne. 但必和必拓的预测表明,如果不断增长的钢材需求让现货铁矿石保持在每吨100美元以上,大型生产商的利润预计将出现巨额增长。
Of course, in 2007, sovereign funds may seek to invest excess foreign exchange reserves or extraordinary profits from oil for nothing more than higher returns than would be earned from US Treasuries. 当然,主权财富基金在2007年可能会将过多的外汇储备或超额石油利润投资于比美国国债回报率更高的资产。
Unfortunately he sold two operations prime brokerage ( lending to hedge funds) and American equity brokerage which would have earned the bank extraordinary profits in the past few years. 不幸的是,他卖掉了在过去几年中本可以给公司带来丰厚收益的两项业务,即机构经纪业务(primebrokerage,为对冲基金提供贷款)和美国权益经纪业务。
Extraordinary profits resulted for the firms during a twenty-year period. 在二十年的时间里,这些公司都赚到了巨额的利润。
Much of the extraordinary increase in China's aggregate savings is the result of rising corporate profits ( see chart). 中国总储蓄的不寻常增长中,有很大一部分来自不断增长的企业利润。
The report said that extraordinary growth in productivity had been the main driver of Chinese competitiveness, creating profits that companies pour back into investment that in turn leads to greater profits. 这份报告表示,非同寻常的生产率增长是中国竞争力的主要推动因素,这为企业带来了利润,而这些利润又被进行再投资,进而带来更大的利润。
The argument would be that a liberalised financial system, which offers opportunities for extraordinary profits, has a parallel capacity for generating self-feeding mistakes. 这个论点的意思是:自由的金融体系不仅提供获得非凡收益的机遇,它还同样具备产生自发性错误的能力。
Extraordinary earnings tend to be used to manipulate profits by listed companies. 非经常性损益是我国上市公司操纵利润的一个重要手段。